Bharti enterprises bid for OneWeb a U.K based satellite manufacturer.
Sunil Mittal owned Bharti a key player in the revolution of mobile telecommunication in India, earlier in 1995 when mobile services launched in India. Since then, Airtel has been a key player among telecom operators in India.
Oneweb founded in U.K the company during its setup plan has praposed, mega-constellation in low earth orbit to deliver wireless internet services to anywhere in the world.
And they mean it,anywhere in the world, be it Sahara or Thar desert, Antarctica, remote areas of Sikkim, Andaman Island or anywhere in this world.
Strange ! yet not surprising.
What is mega-constellation?
It is a network of thousands of satellites all orbiting and working togeather in a robust system. Consider cellular tower on earth to be replaced by mega satellites in space.
What's the need of it?
It comes to two factors.
One the cost of hardware for these types of satellites has come down.
Second, increasing demand of data all around the world effectively with low cost. So, providing high speed data on any part of the world. It's priority now.
Though, its not a new concept, companies like Hughes are already in the play, specially for rural part of the world, where fiber cable option is not possible. Today internet is more expensive and half the rural population is still uncovered.
Satellite Latency
Traditional satellites orbit are very far away from earth, called geo stationary satellite. Ionization does impact on the signals travelling from geo stationary satellite to earth.
And the distance of satellites from earth increases latency in the network. So, latency play a key role in streaming over a network. More the distance between a satellite and recieving station, the more time will the signal take to recieve at the display station.
Most satellites today operate in what is called geo stationary orbit, which is around 36000 kms above the earth and it is fixed, stationary over a specific place.
To meet the challenge of "latency " the praposed system by few companies including OneWeb,Amazon, and Telesat a collection of satellites would be orbiting on "low earth orbit" , which would cut down the latency issues drastically and speed would be 20 times faster than the current GEO satellites.
In fiber optics speed of transmission of light is 40% slower than in space or vacuum, hence low earth orbit system is quite extensive and fast.
Now, since the satellite would be much closer to earth surface, one must need more satellites in a group to cover larger part of earth and to transmit to large users in numbers. Even the capacity of satellites be adequate in order to respond effectively.
To recieve the signals from these mega-constellations, companies need heavy investment to install large capacity of recieving antenas or recieving stations on the ground.
Facebook and google both working on these own satellites, facebook hasn't revealed its plan yet, though google is one of the key investor in SpaceX system. SpaceX has launched around 120 satellites and some more in futureto come.
SpaceX has the idea to launch atleast 30,000 satellites with 1 million earth stations for customers.
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