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What facebook likes from you

 Many years back when facebook  was launched, idea was to have a group of like minded people connected togeather digitally across globe.

At a later stage facebook  news feed was launched in 2006, which is supposed to be core of the facebook.  It's  a place,  a system through which users get updated of content. It compromises of photos,  videos,  profile changes,events,etc.

Space of newsfeed seems to be limited enough compared to the growth of users and the number of posts floating in the facebook  architecture.  To monitor and solve this deluge,  facebook has fixed system defined protocols called facebook  algorithm.

Facebook algorithm decides, which posts to be shown on newsfeed in which order what time. 

Here all activity of the pages are displayed which we follow. So priority of your posts to be shown is embedded in facebook  algorithm. Algorithm changes time to time .It is also programed and randomly the priority  of algorithm  chamges. This is one of the reason, why users experience sudden dip in organic reach of the posts.

Organic reach has declined over a period of time specifically since 2013, and share price of facebook  shotup. The primary reason, business model on facebook  has changed. Launch of messenger and Instagram has given users a clear message "you need to pay to facebook ". Pay to play.

Has facebook defied the basic theme to get people  connected over it ?

Over a period of time newsfeed is contaminated,  polluted and space of newsfeed  is apparently limited to the exponential growth  of users. Hence, organic reach has drastically declined since 2013.

So what facebook  algorithm  likes from us ?

First, and the foremost family and friends  content gets top priority.
Top ranking factors in facebook  algorithm.

# Commenting

More comments to generate more priority to posts.

So, fish for comments on your posts. Comments signal to facebook  that the post is worth The demerit of this norm is, sometimes a post is full text and of quality, but since it doesn't  able to attract comments, it dies unnatural  death.

So, comments are King ! Always look for people to comment on your social posts and you'll reach to more audiance  consistently.
Tag your friends, folloers to start a reasonable conversations and engagement.

Algorithm is based on reviews. You're a valuable  member of facebook community.

If you've an egaging page,this will ultimately affect you ads too. Engaging page with people interacting frequently, when you're running an ad on such page, the system runs the algorithm to check, how much engaging people tend to get, how many people care about your posts like and share your contents. It all runs into your ad account.

If you tend to run Ad account, and if people click on the Ad and go to your website, so facebook  checks how much time does audiance tend to stay on your website i.e Ad is relevant, and hence it's  a worth Ad.

High quality rating, it sends back to facebook algorithm  signalling whaterver you're doing is positive and relevant,  in other words energy of your page is positive. Our facebook  page does positive and negative vibes.

Quality engagement,  comments does matter on your page. If someone commented on your posts, then all of your friends get notified, and so the engagement increases. This is also a method to increase organic reach for your posts.

# Sharing

Algorithm rewards posts which are shared and engaged. Not only shared, but shared over messenger . Shared, not enough, but shared and leads to conversation between peoples.

# Reacting

Reactions leads to active engagement. So next if you like any post, then ensure to comment,react or share to your friends  and dear ones. Make it your habit.

Consistence is said to be a key word when using facebook. So, when facebook finds your commitment to your page. it's  algorithm  bound to favour you.

Another key factor of the algorithm  is, spread out your content . To avoid your own post to compete  itself, never ever post two or more posts at a time.

Be Active on facebook,  that's what facebook  likes and endure. Its like engine to warm up time to time. Increase engagements on facebook groups to gain more followers.
 Do not share external links-- Facebook won't  like you, in fact no social media sites will like you to divert his audiance to some other platforms which is unethical and against the flavour of facebook  algorithm.

Post less but qualitatively.
Understand and analyse your friends.
Check when they're online and post accordingly. Use video and interactive mode to attract and convince friends.

Thanks for your precious time.
Be safe be happy.

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